One day the Mexican Pizza invites the Big Mac to a house party on the other side of town and he begrudgingly decides to go. While there he is shunned by the Tostadas and Menudos and realizes that he'll never be able to cross the cultural lines until he meets a saucy young Bean Burrito who shows him the ways of her people.
They spend one passionate night inside a brown paper bag and 9 months later we have the Big Mac Snack Wrap.
Highland Avenue meets Olvera Street
Half of a Big Mac patty + Fixins = Big Mac Snack Wrap
I ate 3 of these for you
Another problem is that McDonalds hasn't quite perfected the Tortilla process. Places like Taco Bell fill their tortillas with warm fillings which in turn keeps the tortillas soft and tasty. McDonald's Big Mac patties are never hot so their Snack Wraps Tortillas immedietly become cold and disgusting.
There are no new ingredients. It's just gimmick packaging.
- Tastes like Big Mac
- Clean and easy to eat
- Less carbs
- "Healthier" than a Big Mac
- Way less value. Not enough Meat and Cheese
- The Tortilla tastes disgusting when cold
- Too expensive
McDonald's - Big Mac Snack Wrap
Taste ------------ (6) It's got that Big Mac flavor
Presentation ---(4) Not a pretty sight. At least it's clean
Price ------------- (2) $2 = Rip Off
Availability ----- (7) Probably just testing it. It'll be gone soon
Quantity --------- (2) No enough Meat or Cheese
Satisfaction ----- (3) I felt insulted
Rating: 4 out of 10
Is it horrible tasting? No. Is it the worst thing on their menu? No. Will I be getting this again? Most likely not.
I'm just waiting for the McRib Snack Wrap.
Be Fat! Be Happy!